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Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

If you have a complaint about us, we want to hear about it and we will do our best to put it right. We aim to deal with complaints fairly, efficiently, and effectively, and ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner. Strict confidentiality and proper discretion will be maintained, as far as possible to safeguard all parties.

Our policy is:

· to provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint;

· to publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint;

· to make sure that everyone at Stratford East knows what to do if a complaint is received;

· to make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way;

· to make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired; and

· to gather information which helps us improve what we do.

Who can complain?

Anyone we engage with. This includes audiences, participants, consultants and contractors. If an employee, worker or freelancer wishes to make a complaint, they should instead follow the Company’s standard grievance process.

How to complain

 Our aim is to deal with any complaint as soon as possible. In the first instance, our staff will try and deal with any compliant informally at the time.

If you make contact in person or by phone, please make a note of the person you speak to. If a solution is offered at this point, make note of this as well.

If you are not satisfied or do not wish an informal solution, you may pursue a formal complaint.

 Please put your complaint in writing and send it to:

Operations Director

Stratford East

Gerry Raffles Square

London, E15 1BN

Telephone: 020 8279 1132

Email: theatreroyal@stratfordeast.com


What happens next?

· You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 working days, and you may be contacted to obtain additional information that we may require to help us resolve the complaint.

· You will receive a response to your complaint within 28 working days of its receipt. Any extension of this time limit requires your consent.

· If as a result of your complaint, disciplinary proceedings are taken against a member of staff, an internal procedure will apply. You will be informed that disciplinary proceedings

have taken place, but as these proceedings are confidential, you will only be informed of the outcome of your complaint outside of any disciplinary procedure.

· If a criminal offence is alleged, the police will be informed.

Can you take your complaint elsewhere?

We encourage you to contact us directly to resolve your complaint in the first instance, but if you remain dissatisfied with how we have addressed your complaint, you may be able to take your complaint to the Charity Commission or to another regulator. Details of that can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-charity

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